John 3:16

For God So Loved The World That He Gave His

Only Begotten Son ( Christ Jesus ) That Whosoeverth

Believeth In Him Shall Not Perish But


Saturday, October 26, 2024

Black People Are FED UP With Barack Obama

“If you don’t vote Harris, you’re a sexist racist.” Why can’t it just be because your candidate is an unqualified idiot? Give me a woman who’s qualified and gets on the ballot fairly, through voters, and I’ll gladly research her policies and vote based on that. But Harris? If she’s the first woman president, that’s going to make for a very sad first in history.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

He Told The Truth And Had To Go Under Police Protection For Doing It

This man began his research EXPECTING to see tons of evidence
of Systemic Racism by the Police ... but he didn't find it. However,
he committed the Unforgivable Sin of being Honest about
his findings.