John 3:16

For God So Loved The World That He Gave His

Only Begotten Son ( Christ Jesus ) That Whosoeverth

Believeth In Him Shall Not Perish But


Thursday, April 22, 2010

Pray and God Shall Hear Your Prayers

Pray Often and Continuously and Our Lord

will Hear Your Prayers.


And Thanks for Reading Thy Bible

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Our Father, Which Art in Heaven, Hallowed Be Thy Name, Thy Kingdom Come,

Thy Will Be Done, On Earth As it is

in Heaven, so in Earth. Give Us Day

By Day Our Daily Bread. And Forgive Us

Our Sins; For We Also Forgive Everyone

That is Indebted to Us. And Lead Us Not

Into Temtation; But Deliver Us From Evil.


The Lords Prayer

Luke 11:2-4

Thanks for Reading Thy Bible

For The Bible Tells Me So...( tells us so )


Thanks for Reading Your Bible

Thursday, April 1, 2010

God Loves You All the Time

When your Thinking of Bad things. Do what I do...
Say,"Satan get away from me." Say it to yourself
or say it out Loud. Anytime I think about bad things
in my past I say, "Satan get away from me."

The Devil (Satan) is always trying to get you
to do his Work. Which is Wrong. Tell'em to "Get
Away From You."

Pray to God for help and God will take that
Burdon off Ya. Just Pray and God will Answer


Thanks for Reading Your Bible